That's my second try to make a tree out of cookies.
Everything is edible!
Everything is edible!

You can easily find cookie cutter sets in star shapes, almost everywhere while holidays.

And that's my Xmas forest!
I made them as Christmas centerpiece (check out: "3D Xmas Cookie Trees" )
To make the "Cookie Xmas Tree made of Stars" you'll need:
Cookie dough
green+yellow food coloring
icing (1cup powdered sugar + 1,5 tbsp water)
1 toothpick
6 star-shaped cookie cutters in several sizes
sprinkles or sugar confetti as decoration

Prepare your cookie dough

Keep a little dough, add yellow food coloring and knead

To the rest of the dough add green food coloring

Knead until the dough start to look like that

Roll out the dough (about one finger thick)

Cut 18 stars (3 of every cookie cutter)
+1 yellow star (the one before the smallest size)

Bake them on a wax paper for 7-8min, 400D/200C.
Let them cool completely

Prepare some icing

Use the icing as glue and start to stack the cookie from bigger to smaller, as seen on the photo

Keep on stacking all the green cookies

Peg a toothpick into the yellow star cookie
Peg the star on the pick

And the tree is ready!
You can decorate the tree with icing as snow, sprinkles as ornaments and powdered sugar as snow.
Hope you like my tree and give it a try ;)
Mary Christmas
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